What we do in the shadows…!

Light enables us see but it’s the shadows that add shape and character to a still life subject.
In this introductory workshop we will look at form, volume, texture and how to accentuate this.
We will learn to understand the characteristics of our light sources – and what works best where – in a very hands on way.
All the big expensive gear and technical jargon – the studio strobes, softboxes, TTL, flash compensation – all that is irrelevant at this stage.

Figuring out how you want your lighting to look is a better place to start than with all the gear.

We will explore what we can easily achieve with very simple and fairly low cost equipment, and train our eyes to make good, solid judgements.
This means we will help each other, improvise a little, embrace happy accidents and have a fun time too!
You will get to shoot your own composition while we all help you with the lighting.
We will use continuous lights so that we can all really see what we are doing while we light some very simple still life subjects to create striking compositions.

WHO IS IT FOR:Anyone who doesn’t know where to start with lighting, but wants a taste of the fun and possibilities before diving deeper
WHAT TO BRING:Your camera, a tripod, kit lens or any lenses within the 24-85mm range
WHERE:Willingdale Room, Lopping Hall, Loughton
WHEN:Monday 22 April, 12-3pm. 3 hrs with a short break
COST:£60pp. (6 places)
BOOKING:Please contact Grete Hjorth-Johansen: [email protected] or call 07885 899908 for a chat