Are you tired of watching YouTube videos and never finding the right information?
In my sessions the focus is all on you and filling the gaps in your knowledge, while finding a way of working that suits your skill level and pace of learning.
We can meet in person or over Zoom. My studio is near Bank tube station in London and is the best option for all practical courses.
All lessons come with PDF notes of what we have covered.
Please get in touch for more info.

How to use your camera – mirrorless or DSLR | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Modern cameras are confusing, and the manuals don’t help much. We will look at the most important features and get a good feel for:
Understanding exposure with shutter speed – aperture – ISO, white balance, different shooting settings, what different lenses do, bokeh blurriness, depth of field, sharpness and also dive into your camera’s menus to see what’s important there

Photoshop – beginners | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

I will teach you the basics of opening your file, doing basic edits and exporting a final image in the size you want. We will cover layers and masks, the pen tool, brushes, cloning and healing.


Photoshop – advanced | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

We will look at things like blending modes, advanced masking techniques, split blending, and the more technical aspects of the image itself.

Lightroom – beginners | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Here we look at how to organise our photos into a catalogue while getting the settings right. Importing, exporting, adding keywords and creating smart folders.

Lightroom – advanced | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Now it’s time to dig deeper into Lightroom by setting up watch folders, editing, creating templates and adding plugins.

Retouching – beginners | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Retouching is best done in a way that can’t be spotted. Less is more, and we will aim to learn what to correct and what to leave alone using simple techniques like cloning and healing and basic colour correction.

Retouching – advanced | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

For a more refined look we will dive into techniques like frequency separation, sky replacements, blending modes and combining several layers into one.

Preparing your image for print | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Fine art printing is an artform in itself and we will look at choosing the right paper, soft proofing, adding output sharpening and creating test strips.

How to use tilt & shfit lenses | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Tilt & shift lenses are manual speciality lenses mostly used in architectural photography but they can be used for so much more like creating panoramic stitches and unusual focus planes. We will look at all the different ways these lenses can add something unique to your photography.

Colour darkroom printing | £120 for 4hrs in East London

The quickest and easisest way to get into darkroom printing is with a one-on-one session. We will go to Four Corners on Bethnal Green Road and spend 4 hours becoming familiar with the enlarger, the colour filtration and how to colour correct. You will learn how to make test contact sheets, test strips, and final prints. All paper inluded, just bring your colour negatives.

Developing your creative eye | £30/hr zoom or £40/hr studio

Sometimes the hardest thing is knowing what to shoot – and why. Creativity comes from seeing what’s familiar in a fresh new way. Somtimes that is by shooting it from a new angle, or from a new ‘viewpoint’, that can be physical or an opinion. We will look at ways of making your images have stronger content that gets your message across. It’s an exploration of the self as much as of our surrondings.
